Officers and Staff

Full Time Officers

Business Manager: Brent James

                         Business Representative: Bryan Winsor

Business Representative: Chris Graham

Organizer:   Todd Giles

Organizer:  Brian Masse


Office Manager: Roger Lortie

                                    Training Director: Stuart Simpson

                                             Members’ Services:                                                                           

Executive Board

President: Michael Murtagh

Vice President/Training Co-Ordinator: Stuart Simpson

Recording Secretary: Brian Massé

Executive Members (3)

   Jason Charbonneau, Melissa Hill, Randy Caron

Conductor & Warden

Conductor: Ian Musgrave

Warden:  Mark Sullivan

Committee Trustees

Audit Trustees (3)

Chris Froment / Jason Charbonneau/ Robert Beaulieu

Pension/Welfare Trustees (6)

Sheet Metal Trustees

Brent James  / Gabriel Chauvin / Stuart Simpson / Georges Lessard

Roofing Trustees

 Brian Masse / Randy Caron

Joint S/M Training Trustees (6) *

Brent James  / Bryan Winsor / Chris Graham

*this is a  joint training fund, the other three Trustees are Employer appointed Trustees

Joint Roofer Training Trustees (6) *

Brent James / Brian Masse / David McIsaac

*this is a  joint training fund, the other three Trustees are Employer appointed Trustees

Sheet Metal Stabilization Trustees (3)

Brent James / Michael Murtagh /Bryan Winsor

Roofing Stabilization Trustees (3)

Brent James  / Michael Murtagh / Brian Masse

     Provincial Building Trades (3)

Brent James / Bryan Winsor / Chris Graham


SMART Local 47 Training Centre

Training Centre Co-Ordinator:  Stuart Simpson

Training Centre Office Administrator: