As a member of Local 47, you are represented by the a elected business manager and elected business agents on the job site and in shops. Stewards may also be appointed to provide day-to-day representation.

There are a number of ways in which local 47 represents and protects you on the job, including:

  • Negotiates fair and equitable collective bargaining agreements on your behalf.

  • Negotiates fair and equitable Pension and Health & Welfare benefits for both its Members and their families!

  • Enforces your rights under the collective bargaining agreement.

  • For construction industry members, assists members in finding employment through a hiring hall which acts as a referral service.

  • Enforces legal rights such as those established under the Ontario Labour Relations Act.

  • Promotes worksite safety.

  • Protects against discrimination in employment by enforcing your contract and legal rights under the law.

  • Provides apprenticeship and other training programs that supply members with the opportunities to develop and improve their skills.